Frequently Asked Questions

ShopPartner Vehicle Check-In

Q. Is ShopPartner a multi-user system.
A. Yes, multi-users can access the form at the same time.

Q. Does ShopPartner integrate with the other modules.
A. No, ShopPartner was designed to be a stand-alone system.

Q. Is ShopPartner form data stored on the server, and can I access it.
A. Data is stored on our servers and can be downloaded on request.
     The shop and client will receive an email of the form entry, making the process paperless.

Office On The Go (CRM)

Q. Are future updates free.
A. Yes, new releases will be at no additional cost for registered users. 

Q. Is Office On The Go (CRM) a multi-user system.
A. Yes, multi-users can access the system at the same time.

Q. Is Office On The Go (CRM) a multi level access system, meaning, can users have different 
add, update, delete, search, view privileges provided by the Admin.
A. Yes. 

Q. Can I download any part of my database on demand.
A. Yes, by using the backup feature of the system.

Q. Does Office On The Go (CRM) integrate with ShopPartner Vehicle Check-In.
A. No.

Invoicie Plus (CRM)

Q. Does Invoice  Plus interfaced with Office On The Go (CRM) customer base.
A. No, based on our clients, interaction is not necessarily required.  Most Detailers prefer it seperate
     because of different requirements.

Q. Is Invoice Plus  a multi-user system.
A. Yes, multi-users can access at the same time. 

Q. Does Invoice Plus handle payments, Estimates.
A. Yes.
Q. Does Invoice Plus handle online credit card payments.
A. Yes.

Email Marketing Application

Q. If I join the Email Application and purchase credits for a campaign, how long will my unused
     credits remain.  Also, how long will my email lists and email templates remain.
A. Unused credits, email lists and various email templates will remain as long as you are a member.

Easy Appointments

Q. Does Easy Appointments require a link placed on my website.
A. Yes, a link is required to manage appointments coming from clients.  
      Backoffice links are supplied by Detailers Companion and applied by your website support.

Digital Coupon Builder

Q. Does Coupon Builder require a link placed on my website.
A. Yes, a link is required to to allow coupon  enquiries coming from clients.
      Backoffice links are supplied by Detailers Companion and applied by your website support.

Startup Procedures (Recommended).

All shops function differently and office procedures can vary from shop to shop. I will attempt to offer a simple approach to getting started.

ShopParter Vehicle Check-In would normally be used when a vehicle is dropped off for detailing. The checker should take a few minutes to evaluate the vehicle's condition prior to scheduling it for detailing.   

Office On The Go  (CRM) is the heart of the system and should be dealt with first. (See help for setup instructions). A Client Profile should be established for new clients before scheduling detailing. If the client is an existing client they just need to be located before scheduling is to start.

Converting from a previous system whether automated or manual, Office On The Go (CRM) has a GRID option that would allow multiple records to be added at one time. This will expedite loading of your database. The rules are simple, you must first have a client on file before you can add a vehicle to it. Secondly, you must have a vehicle on file before you can add a service to that vehicle. The process is extremely simple. Once your database is established, managing it becomes second nature. The system is basically a point and click system. The time it takes to fill-in a paper form does not compare to the time and benefits derived from using electronic data entry.  Data will be readily available and accurate.

Reminders, Schedules, Inventory, Vendors and Incidents are easy to use convenient modules to store related data to assist in managing your business. They are satellite functions and can be used as needed.

Invoice Plus is self explanatory and can be used for multi purposes.  Invoices Plus is perfect for your corporate customers such as dealerships and the likes. However, It would also work perfect for your normal walk-in and mobile customers.

Email Marketing Application can use the emails from Office On The Go (CRM) to build and generate bulk email campaigns. Simply export emails from Office On The Go (CRM) and import the list into EMA.  Using EMA, build your template using (drag and drop) and send your campaign with ease.  List can be captured from other source in the format os CSV.

Again, the above is just one approach of many that could be used. You the shop owner should use whatever works best for you.

Good Luck and remember support is just a click away.

Detailers Companion.


e Systems Technologies
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Phone: 410 429 0790




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